Conversion rate increased from 2.4% to 8.6%
Website Engagement time rising by 51%
Monthly Conversions increased for YoY by 100%
“From the first weeks the campaigns launched, we started getting more leads, better quality leads, and even had a couple of new b2b customers come through. The work looks terrific and has just the right feel. Well done Team Red Balloon!”
Managing Director, WindowWorx
Increased CTR from 6-22% to 9%-27% across all campaigns.
Paid Search Conversion Rate increased YoY from 2.2% to 8.3%.
Reduced CPC (Cost per Click) from £3.15 to £2.14
Boosting Conversions
We increased the Conversion Rate for Organic Search users from 3.1% to 8.2%.
Rise in Rankings
Average Position of the Homepage rose by 96 places to being in Top 3. Other key pages and product pages also climbed by 50-90 places in 4 months.
Engagement Rate Increase
Engagement Rate from Organic Search users increased from 56% to 76%.